Friday, September 24, 2010

Still Here!

I've been so busy! And I am not a person who likes to be really busy; I'd rather be at home with my family. So I cannot WAIT for October, when I have (slightly) more free time!

We've had our second homestudy appointment, but unfortunately, we're still waiting on Ken's background clearance so we can finish. We had to send another form of to Indiana, where Ken went to school. I am not a fan of Indiana. Hopefully his clearance will come back quickly, and we can finally finish our homestudy! Our worker is doing what she can to help us, so that's nice. By the way, it is NOT an easy task to get documents notarized when you and you husband work opposite hours. But we did it! At times like this it is very tempting to just quit my job. But, it isn't time for that yet, so I keep chugging!
We're not moving as quickly as I would like, but we have time. We're aiming for the spring, when LittleKid's country will reopen for dossier submission. But I still want to move as quickly as possible, so we're READY. In the meantime, I've been collecting clothing donations for LittleKid's orphanage, and having garage sale fundraisers. This past weekend we had a sale at my aunt's house. On Saturday, I left for work about twenty minutes before the end of the sale. After I left, a woman came and chatted with my aunt about LittleKid. She handed my aunt a check for our donation bucket and left. My aunt looked at it and it was for FIVE HUNDRED dollars!! It's nearly a week later and I am still in shock! How amazing is that? How blessed we are!

This Sunday is my baby's first birthday! We're having a monkey-themed party, and we're having trifle instead of cake. Apparently, this is an AWFUL thing to do. :)
Brennan keeps getting better at walking! He can go halfway across the room without falling now! He's pretty cautious, but he's been getting more brave and even walking away from furniture that he's holding on to. He walked from one of his toys to the other, and was pretty proud of himself! He also has a second word - "woof!" I didn't even teach it to him. We were sitting on our deck and the neighbors dog was barking. All of a sudden Brennan busts out with a "woof, woof" right back! It was way too cute. Now whenever he hears a dog barking, no matter how far away, he starts woof-ing! I think he says "more" too, ("mo, mo") but I am not sure yet! I can't believe a year has passed since my little guy was born!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Joy and Frustration

I've decided that for the next few months, I will only pick up ONE extra shift per week. No more! I've been picking up every shift I can so we can save up money. But that really wasn't bright! I'm behind on housework, and more importantly, I miss having all day to spend with my son.
I am very glad that I was at work yesterday, however, as I had a great spirit-lifting moment. On Thursdays, we take the residents to a church service especially for adults with special needs, called People of Praise. It is wonderful and the staff love going as much as the residents! Now, lately I've been feeling frustrated with some things having to do with our adoption. But as I was sitting at People of Praise, I looked around and saw dozens of adults worshiping the Lord. Dancing, singing, praising in whatever way they were able. There's always a few that make there way up to the stage, too! And I thought, This is why we're fighting for our children. International adoption is not easy. It's costly, and you have to deal with different countries' (at times difficult) governments and laws. But it's worth it. We bring our kids home where they not only have a family who loves them, but a chance to learn and be healthy. And, a chance to freely worship with others just like themselves, surrounded by staff and volunteers who CARE about them. Isn't that great? I felt much more at peace after that, and today, some of the things that were frustrating me were resolved! Hurrah!
When we met with our adoption worker, she really seemed to have a negative attitude towards our adoption. I don't know if it was just my perception, or if she was having a bad day, or what. She said she'd email us later that day (she had to sign a form for us), but she didn't until I checked in a few days later. At that point, she said she'd follow up with us on Tuesday, which she didn't. (By the way, I am really starting to dread long weekends!) After I emailed her again, all of a sudden her attitude was completely different! It's hard to tell through email of course, but it seems to be much better. Of course, it could be MY attitude that's better, but what's the likelihood of that?? Ha!
I've also been really frustrated with Ukraine's shutting down for a few months. It seems so easy on paper - homestudy down by the end of September, USCIS approval done in 30 days (HA) and submit dossier by November. Sadly, that's just not going to happen. But, it's all right, our time will come.
This last week I have learned so much about LittleKid's country, his region, and even his orphanage. I've seen pictures of his area, and even learned more about Joshua - like, he laughs! Isn't that great, my boy laughs! It's such a small thing, but it brought me so much joy. I have connected with families who were praying for LittleKid before we even knew he existed! How awesome is God? That He would have people praying for our boy, while we were praying for God to sure us which one is OURS! I'm just in awe. So overall it's been a pretty great week, even with the frustration. It seems to just be part of the adoption process!

I was planning to write about Brennan too, but I am WAY to tired. So stay tuned for cute Brennan updates!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Guess who's on the "My Family Found Me" Page?

It's LittleKid!

We had our first homestudy appointment today and sent in the paperwork for our commitment to JOSHUA! He's such a darling little boy with down syndrome. He's a three year old who desperately needs heart surgery, has the cutest little cheeks, and he's tiny! "Joshua" isn't his real name, but we're not really sure what we'll name him yet. We might just keep it Joshua! He won't be home until next spring.
I am SO excited about this new adventure in our lives. I am so blessed to find people like me - people who care so much about these little children in need that they mourn those who are lost and rejoice when a child finds a family - a child they've never even met. In the last few months, I've seen many children blessed with families, and it's wonderful! But there are so many more who need a mom and dad. Many of these children will be sent to institutions where they will spend the rest of their short lives lying in cribs, starving, with NO ONE to hold them, sing to them, or tell them that they are loved. Please consider adoption (ask me how!) or, if that's not for your family, consider sponsoring a family or a child. Reece's Rainbow gives in so many ways, and you can too.
*steps off soap box*

That's not really where I intended to go - so now we'll move to my other favorite topic - Brennan!

 Brennan has a new love. It's plastic, greenish yellow, and squeaks.
Yep, it's a hammer.
He carries it with him everywhere! Grandma's house, Target, everywhere! He crawls with it, stands up with it, cruises with it. Oh, and hits Mama with it! I have no idea what made him so attached to this hammer, but if you try and take it away from him, watch out!
Brennan is taking more steps now! He takes a few steps between two people. It's mostly falling with style. But there's been times where he'll get three solid steps in before crashing! And yet, he still can't stand! Actually, I'm not really sure how well he can stand, because he just. won't. do it! Brennan's getting to be such a little smarty pants. He's figuring things out pretty quickly these days. I love to watch him complete simple tasks and marvel at human development. Really, it's amazing to me that this baby, who 11 months ago couldn't even eat or breathe on his own, can now crawl, walk around tables, and pick up little pieces of bread and eat them. In another year, he'll be doing so much more. I really love kids :).