Thursday, February 17, 2011


Today we were submitted! That means the countdown has begun, and we could be travelling in as little as 4 weeks! That's best case scenario, but it's what I am hoping for! It could really be anywhere from 3-8 weeks; you just never know with Ukraine. I can't believe we are so close!

We also finally decided on a name*, so I will finally share!

It is...

Charles Gabriel! We will call him Charlie.

And I got great news! Sweet little Masha has a family! I was so happy I almost cried. I have thought of her as "my" Masha and I am so happy she'll have a mama.

*Name subject to change at any given moment, and then perhaps back again, based on reason or whim.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

This might be our week!

I meant to update earlier, but I have been too sick to do much of anything. Except sleep. And whine. plenty of whining. Anyway...
We should be submitted on Thursday, but there's no guarantees! Last Thursday morning I got the news that we hadn't been submitted, but I was expecting it, so I was only a little disappointed. This week *should* be our week, and we should be travelling in 5-7 weeks! I've heard legends of families travelling 3-4 weeks after submission, and I am hoping that is us! We started this process in August, so we have been waiting for quite awhile!

Recently, I learned of a sweet little girl, Masha, in Ukraine who was about to be transferred to an institution - a bad one, where adoptions were iffy (no one had adopted from there before). She needed a paper-ready family immediately. I thought we could add her to our "tab". I got Ken on board, I quickly thought of ways it would work. She is the sweetest little thing, and I could really see her as our daughter. Then I found out our agency has a policy of not allowing adoptions of two unrelated children at the same time. That is ridiculous! I was mad for days. I couldn't believe we couldn't save Masha becuase of a (ridiculous) policy. But, hopefully it is for the best. Masha now has $17000 in her grant, and no family has stepped forward. Yet. I pray they will soon.

Another little boy in Littlekid's orphanage passed away in November, and we found out about it this week. He was only one. He had down syndrome and a heart condition, just like Littlekid. His heart wasn't fixed (like Littlekid) and he died. It makes it seem more urgent that we get to Littlekid! It seems that kids in this orphanage are NOT given life-saving surgeries, even though other kids with special needs do (sometimes - although, these surgeries are usually from a Swiss missionary group that works in Littlekid's orphanage). These are just observations from other adoptive parents, of course. It makes me angry that my son's heart and lungs have been needlessly suffering damage for the last four years, because he's not worth anything to them. Well, he's worth an awful lot to me! I just want to get him out of there!

I'm wiped out now, so (insert fanfare here) check out my new website It's awesome.

I can't wait to hold my little boy!